Welcome to the Skin Cancer Center.
Thank you for choosing us to care for you!
Below you will find directions to our office, information on where to park and phone/fax/email for contacting us.
Our Office
The Skin Cancer Center
3024 Burnet Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Contact Info
Email: office@skincancercenter.net
Tel: 513.221.2828
Fax: 513.872.5721
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Monday thru Friday
Directions & Parking
Free parking in rear of building. Turn into driveway on right side of building.
Handicap parking in front.

“I truly appreciate your expertise and your friendly manner – you put a person at ease. I have the most confidence in you.
And a big thanks to all your staff for being so kind and helpful.” – Sue G